SCGAP Urologic Epithelial Stem Cells Project
SCGAP Urologic Epithelial Stem Cells Project
SCGAP Consortium

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Prostate CD Specificity
Luminal & basal cells
   in PEDB

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The descriptions are based on immunostains from sections of tissue that is both primary prostate gland tissue and metastatic prostate carcinoma tissue. (see also: Glossary)

  • Specimen block:
    Uniquely identifies tissue sample
       Format: 99-010E (99-010 – specimen, E – specimen block index)
  • Block antibody section index:
    Section number of specimen block used for analysis, this corresponds to the slide number
  • Patient age:
    Age of patient the sample tissue was extracted from
  • Surgical procedure:
    Abbreviation of surgical procedure used to remove tissue sample from patient
  • Clinical diagnosis:
    Abbreviation of clinical diagnosis of the patient
  • Tissue block level:
    Indicates the number of transverse sections proximal from the apex (most distal region) of the prostate proximally.
  • Tissue block side (R/L):
    Lateral location of the tissue block
  • Block location anterior – posterior:
    Anterior (mostly transition zone) or posterior (rectal)
  • Antibody:
    Antibody name used in this analysis
  • Characterization contact last name:
    Name of person performing analysis
  • Stain intensity:
    Level of staining intensity of a particular cell type being analyzed (intense, equivocal, none). The percentage of cells of all parenchymal components of the prostate are characterized with respect to these three different levels of immunostaining intensity.
       intense:    Antibody staining is obvious and intense
       moderate:    Antibody staining is faint and uncertain
       none:    Antibody staining is not present
  • % atrophic glands at each staining intensity:
    Percent of atrophic glands stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • % "normal" glands at each staining intensity:
    Percent of “normal” glands stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • % hyperplastic glands at each staining intensity:
    Percent of hyperplastic glands stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • % basal cells at each staining intensity:
    Percent of basal cells stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • % Stromal Fibromuscular cells at each staining intensity
    Percent of stromal fibromuscular cells stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • % Endothelial cells at each staining intensity:
    Percent of endothelial cells stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • % Perineural cells at each staining intensity:
    Percent of perineural cells stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • % Nerve Sheath cells at each staining intensity:
    Percent of nerve sheath cells stained at each intensity level (intense, equivocal, none)
  • Leukocyte abundance (rare, moderate, high, most):
    Abundance of leukocytes in the tissue sample being analyzed
       none:    none Leukocytes present
       rare:    background level of this cell type is present
       moderate:    somewhat above background level of this cell type is present
       high:    more than 50% of this cell type is present
       most:    most of the cells are of this cell type
  • Amount of cancer in section (cc):
    Amount of cancerous cells, in volume units using the “nickel” rule, based on immunohistochemical characterization of the tissue sample
  • % of tumor that is Gleason pattern 3:
    Percent of tumor which exhibits gleason pattern 3 based on immunohistochemical characterization
  • % Gleason pattern 3 cancer at each staining intensity:
    Percent of gleason pattern 3 staining cancer at each intensity level
  • % of tumor that is Gleason pattern 4:
    Percent of tumor which exhibits gleason pattern 4 based on immunohistochemical characterization
  • % Gleason pattern 4 cancer at each staining intensity:
    Percent of gleason pattern 4 staining cancer at each intensity level based on immunohistochemical characterization
  • % of tumor that is Gleason pattern 5:
    Percent of tumor which exhibits gleason pattern 5 based on immunohistochemical characterization
  • % Gleason pattern 5 cancer at each staining intensity:
    Percent of gleason pattern 5 staining cancer at each intensity level
  • comment:
    Additional comments about this stain